(Former) Grace and Rubie's Restaurant209 North Linn Street41.663942-91.5318760
Carver-Hawkeye Arena1 Elliot Drive, Iowa City, IA 5224241.664302-91.5545801
English-Philosophy Building (EPB)251 W. Iowa Ave41.661437-91.5404142
Iowa City123 S Linn St41.661128-91.5301683
Iowa Writers' Workshop (Dey House)507 North Clinton Street, Iowa City, Iowa41.667233-91.5351574
St. Mary's Church228 E Jefferson St41.662964-91.5319435
University of Iowa Main Library125 West Washington St.41.659655-91.5385686
Wallace Stegner: College and Dubuque StCorner of College and Dubuque St41.658934-91.5330657