
W.S. Merwin interview with Ed Folsom

W.S. Merwin interview with Ed Folsom



Ed Folsom and Cary Nelson interviewed W.S. Merwin in The Iowa Review, Volume 13 Issue 1, 1982: “The foolish thing is to take that world which we have made as the real, total, absolute final world, and say we have it — it’s ours.” Read more…

From the Archives: “Fact Has Two Faces: An Interview with W.S. Merwin.”


Folsom, Ed, and Cary Nelson. “Fact Has Two Faces: An Interview with W.S. Merwin.” The Iowa Review, vol. 13, no. 1, 1982, pp. 30–66.: https://ir.uiowa.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=2862&context=iowareview