
Tennessee Williams: North Clinton Boarding House

Tennessee Williams: North Clinton Boarding House

Image and Place


In a letter he sent to his mother, Tennessee Williams announced the fact that he had moved again to a rooming house at 126 North Clinton Street and awaited her visit for his graduation:

…there is a big dinner for graduates at the [Iowa Memorial] Union. Guest are eighty-five cents if you want to attend that also. I have an extra bed, upper-deck in my room that Dakin could occupy free and the landlady says that she will have a vacant room after Friday morning that she would rent to you.

Williams also mentions his part in a play at the University of Iowa, and the amounts he owes in order to leave town:

I owe my landlady one dollar for the last week of the summer session […] I have a small part in the final play of the season, only two lines – as a page in Richard of Bordeaux.


Williams,Tennessee. The Selected Letters of Tennessee Williams, 1920-1945

Leverich, Lyle. Tom: the Unknown Tennessee Williams. Norton, 1997.