
John D’Agata: NWP Reading Series at the Sanctuary Pub

John D’Agata: NWP Reading Series at the Sanctuary Pub


Sanctuary Pub
405 S Gilbert St, Iowa City, IA 52240

Like many program directors at UI, a lot of D’Agata’s time is spent pushing papers, literally and figuratively. He helps shape the curriculum; schedules visiting editors, writers and publishers; organizes student awards and makes sure every graduate student in the program is fully funded.

But he also gets to organize more nontraditional events, like program-wide bowling parties and readings at Sanctuary Pub in Iowa City. These small, social events create what D’Agata hopes is a “happier program” and to make sure “the feeling of community is here.”


Berg, Zach. “UI’s John D’Agata Celebrates Nonfiction Program’s 40 Years.” Iowa City Press-Citizen, Press Citizen, 6 Apr. 2016, www.press-citizen.com/story/news/2016/04/06/uis-john-dagata-celebrates-nonfiction-programs-40-years/82673302/