Charles Wright recalls his time in the Iowa Writers’ Workshop in an interview in Yale Daily News:
I just showed up having gotten into the [University of Iowa] English department, so my name was down, but I never sent in a manuscript. If I had, I would never have gotten in. So I just signed up for the classes and went to the first workshop. Kept doing that for two years. That’s it. It turned out that I told them that I’ve never gotten in — which didn’t surprise the teachers at all— but each one thought the other one let me in. It was very laissez-faire in those days. Not as structured as it is now. I had more fun in Iowa City than in any other place I’ve ever had in America. I really liked Iowa a lot.
Potash, Jacob. “Charles Wright: Self-Made Poet.” Yale Daily News. Yale Daily News, 30 Jan. 2015. Web. 12 July 2016