
Afro-American Studies Center (Afro House)

Afro-American Studies Center (Afro House)

303 Melrose Ave, Iowa City, Iowa

Known as the Afro House, this space provides a supportive and inclusive environment and programs that empower students, faculty, staff, and community members to excel in their endeavors, stretch themselves to experience diversity, engage in activism, make positive choices, and serve their communities.

African American Studies examines the shared experiences of African-descended people throughout the diaspora. Drawing on a rich tradition of scholarship, teaching, and civic engagement, the faculty introduce students to the foundations of African American Studies (AAS) and collaborates with them to develop projects and analyze information that leads to new intellectual perspectives. The African American Studies major involves three core areas of study:  history, religion, and the diaspora; literature and performing arts; and media, politics, and social institutions.


Margaret Walker Visits with Students on the UI campus

Margaret Walker returned to the University of Iowa campus in 1977 to give a lecture and speak with the young writers at the Afro-American Studies Center:

62-year-old Walker, in Iowa City Tuesday to talk with students at the University of Iowa’s Afro-American Studies Center, insists America can learn by listening to its black artists.

Poet Says Racism Persists in U.S.,” November 3, 1977 :: African American Women in Iowa Digital Collection. N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Oct. 2019.