125 West Washington St.
Christopher Merrill introduces the poet William S. Merwin who is speaking as part of the annual Paul Engle Day celebration that honors the memory of the IWP’s co-founder. Merwin reads the following poems 'To the Light of September,' 'To the Words,' 'To the Grass of Autumn,' 'One Called to Ashes,' and 'To the Coming Winter.' Merwin reads the following poems from his work The Pupil: 'Prophecy,' 'The Comet Museum,' 'The Hours of Darkness,' 'The Marfalites,' 'The Summer' 'Plan for the Death of Ted Hughes,' 'In Time,' 'Home Tundra' and 'The Name of the Air.' Merwin then reads the following poems that he has translated: 'The Glory of Tellius' and 'To Friends of His.'
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